☙ Acanthus
Acanthus mollis L. (1753)WFO
Period English: acanthus ▲︎◆︎; bear's breeches ▲︎ (bears'-breech). LH S&K
Period French: acanthe f. BD JDS
Period German: Aechte Bärenklaue ('true bear's-claw'). JDS
❧ Nœuds indissolublesUnbreakable knots ◼︎ (1811); BD
❧ Art ▲︎◆︎◼︎ (1819-1869); CLT
The Arts ▲︎◆︎◼︎ (1819-1884); CLT
Artifice ▲︎◆︎ (1836-1884); TTA
❧ Genius ◆︎ (1869). RT:LOF
Native: Mediterranean basin, including Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, East Aegean Islands, Lebanon-Syria, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Sicilia, Turkey-in-Europe, Yugoslavia, and Sardegna.WFO
Introduced: The Azores, Canary Islands, Madeira; Tasmania; Aoterea; Great Britain; Kriti; Beleares, Corse, France, Portugal, Spain; Mexico Central; and California.WFO
Seasonality: Perennial, flowers summer.
Period Colours: TBC.
Cited Verse:
❧ Paradise Lost, Book IV, John Milton (1667) lines 693-697.