☙ Chrysanthemum
Genus Chrysanthemum L. (1753).WFO and many former inclusions, but especially
Chrysanthemum indicum L. (1753).WFO HP:FE EWW CHW
Period English: Chinese chrysanthemum; chrysanthemum; Indian chrysanthemum.EWW
Period French: chrysanthême m.; BD chrysanthème m. BD
Period German: Winteraster f. ('winter aster') JRV
🏶︎ DifficultéDifficulty ◼︎ (1811); BD
🏶︎ AdieuxGoodbyes ◼︎ (c.1825); LA-M
🏶︎ Cheerfulness under adversity ▲︎◆︎ (1825-1884); HP:FE TTA TM FSO LH HGA:OT HGA:LPF GAL JS* KG
Cheerfulness in adversity ▲︎ (1840-1845); TM S&K
I am cheerful under misfortune ◆︎* (1871); JS*
🏶︎ Loveliness and cheerfulness ▲︎ (1840); CHW
🏶︎ Gegen mich bleibſt du immer dieſelbe.You always stay the same against me. [?] ⚫︎ (1880). JRV
* Marked as British meaning.
Red or rose coloured:
🏶︎ I love ▲︎◆︎ (1832-1884); EWW GAL KG
🏶︎ Truth ▲︎◆︎ (1832-1884); EWW GAL KG
🏶︎ Slighted love ▲︎◆︎ (1832-1884); EWW GAL KG
Native: Eastern Asia (China, Mongolia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, East himalaya, Nepal, Laos, Vietnam).WFO
Introduced: Gulf of Guinea Islands, Mauritius, Réunion, Tadzhikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Assam, Pakistan, the Philippines, Bulgaria, Italy, Romania, Baleares, France, Portugal, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Ecuador.WFO
Seasonality: Deciduous perennial flowering summer into autumn (August to October in the northern hemisphere).
Period Colours: TBC.
Cited Species:
🏶︎ Chrysanthemum indicum L. (1753),WFO HP:FE EWW CHW Indian chrysanthemum.
🏶︎ Ismelia carinata (Schousb.) Sch.Bip. (1844),WFO tricolor chrysanthemum (North Africa);
= Chrysanthemum carnatum Schousb. (1800),BD (Fr. Chrysanthême caréné m. BD)
🜱 On sentiments: The prevailing sentiment of cheerfulness in adversity relates to the late flowering season, giving 'so much cheerfulness to the parterre' after other flowers have faded.