☙ Everlasting
Wide range of genera, including, but not limited to:
Anaphalis DC. (1838);WFO
Gnaphalium L. (1753);WFO HP:FE EWW SJH O&B
Helichrysum Mill. (1754);WFO JDS
Xeranthemum L. (1753);WFO BD O&B and
Xerochrysum Tzvelev (1990).WFO
Period English:
General: everlasting.
Gnaphalium: cud-weed (cud weed);HP:FE TTA JS everlasting flower.JS
Xeranthemum: eternal flower.O&B GAL KG
Period French:
Xeranthemum: xéranthème m. BD
Period German:
General: Immortelle f. JRV
Anaphalis: Perlblume f. ('pearl-flower'). JRV
Helichrysum: Strohblume f. ('straw-flower'). JRV
Helichrysum stoechas: Rainblume f. ('rain-flower'). JDS
🏶︎ Amour sans finLove without end ◼︎ (1811);BD
🏶︎ Never-ceasing remembrance ▲︎◆︎ (1825-1884); HP:FE EWW TTA TM FSO LH S&K HGA:OT HGA:LOF GAL JS KG
Always remembered ▲︎ (1832); SJH
Everlasting remembrance ▲︎ (1884); CMK
🏶︎ Early attachment ▲︎ (1834); O&B
🏶︎ Kein SchickÅ¿al löft unÅ¿ern Bund.No fate can break our bond. ⚫︎ (1880). JRV
Anaphalis margaritacea (Perlblume):
🏶︎ Du biÅ¿t einfach, aber echt.You are plain, but genuine. ⚫︎ (1880). JRV
Gnaphalium (cudweed):
🏶︎ Unceasing remembrance ▲︎◆︎ (1867-1884); GAL JS KG
Never ceasing remembrance ◆︎ (pre-1871); JS
Constant remembrance ◆︎ (pre-1871); JS
Helichrysum (Strohblume):
🏶︎ Nie erkaltet unÅ¿ere Liebe.Our love never grows cold. ⚫︎ (1880). JRV
Helichrysum stoechas (Rainblume):
🏶︎ Dauer wünsch' ich Deinem Ruhme.I wish your glory a long life. ⚫︎ (1841). JDS
Xeranthemum (eternal flower):
🏶︎ Immortality ▲︎ (1834); O&B
🏶︎ Cheerfulness under adversity ▲︎◆︎ (1867-1884); GAL JS KG
Native: TBC.
Introduced: TBC.
Seasonality: TBC.
Period Colours: The American [Gnaphalium] has white flowers. SJH
Heraldry: TBC.
Religious: TBC.
Included Species:
Helichrysum stoechas (L.) Moench (1794), shrubby everlasting
= Gnaphalium stoechas L. (1753)WFO JDS
=? Gnaphalium arcticum Roth.Unplaced. JDS
Xeranthemum annuum L. (1753), immortelle.WFO BD
Cited Verse: