See also Blue Jacob's-ladder, a specific Polemonium with distinct sentiments and symbolism.

☙ Jacob's-ladder

Genus Polemonium L. (1753). WFO

Period English: Jacob's ladder.


🏶︎ Come down to me ▲︎ (1840-1884). TM FSO CMK

Come down ▲︎◆︎ (1867-1884). GAL CMK KG


Native: Species found across the temperate Northern Hemisphere, and southern South America.WFO

Seasonality: Deciduous perennials flowering early summer.

Period Colours: TBC.

Heraldry: TBC.

Religious: TBC.

Other Verse:

❧ 'Chapter 28.—The Polemonia, Philatæria, or Chiliodynamus: Six Remedies', Pliny the Elder (this ed translated by ◆︎ John Bostock Jr. & ◆︎ Henry Thomas Riley), The Natural History, London: Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. (original c.80 CE?, this ed. 1855) Book 25, Ch. 28 (Plin. Nat. 25.28) Read Here; RT:LOF

🜱 On sentiments: The sentiment of come down to me appears to be related to the colloquial English name of 'Jacob's-ladder'.

The Natural History, Book 25

Pliny the Elder, c.77-79 CE
Translated by ◆︎ John Bostock Jr. & ◆︎ Henry Thomas Riley, 1855

Chap. 28.—The Polemonia, Philatæria, or Chiliodynamus: Six Remedies.

The polemonia¹ is known as the "philetæria" by some, in consequence of the contest which has arisen between certain kings for the honour of its discovery. The people of Cappadocia also give it the name of "chiliodynamus."² The root of it is substantial, and it has slender branches, with umbels hanging from the extremities, and a black seed. In other respects, it bears a resemblance to rue, and is found growing in mountainous localities.

¹ Its names were derived from Polemon, a king of Pontus, and Philetærus, a king of Cappadocia. It is generally identified with the Polemonium cæruleum of Linnæus, Greek valerian, or Jacob's ladder. M. Fraas suggests that it may be the Hypericum Olympicum of Linnæus, with which he also identities the Panaces chironion.

² "With a thousand virtues."

(Plin. Nat. 25.28)
Via the Perseus Catalogue.



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