See also Blue Jacob's-ladder, a specific Polemonium with distinct sentiments and symbolism.
☙ Jacob's-ladder
Genus Polemonium L. (1753). WFO
Period English: Jacob's ladder.
🏶︎ Come down to me ▲︎ (1840-1884). TM FSO CMK
Come down ▲︎◆︎ (1867-1884). GAL CMK KG
Native: Species found across the temperate Northern Hemisphere, and southern South America.WFO
Seasonality: Deciduous perennials flowering early summer.
Period Colours: TBC.
Heraldry: TBC.
Religious: TBC.
Other Verse:
❧ 'Chapter 28.—The Polemonia, Philatæria, or Chiliodynamus: Six Remedies', Pliny the Elder (this ed translated by ◆︎ John Bostock Jr. & ◆︎ Henry Thomas Riley), The Natural History, London: Taylor and Francis, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street. (original c.80 CE?, this ed. 1855) Book 25, Ch. 28 (Plin. Nat. 25.28) Read Here; RT:LOF