☙ Goldenrod
Genus Solidago L. (1753).WFO
Period English: golden rod; virga aurea; virgo aurea; woundwort.
Period French: verge-d'or f.;BD
Period German: Goldruthe f. JRV
🏶︎ Precaution ▲︎◆︎ (1825-1884); HP:FE TTA TM FSO LH S&K HGA:OT HGA:LOF GAL JS KG
Take care ▲︎ (1884); CMK
🏶︎ Encouragement ▲︎◆︎ (1832-1871); EWW SJH O&B JS
🏶︎ VerÅ¿chloÅ¿Å¿en gefällÅ¿t du am beÅ¿ten.Ed. sorry, I can't work this one out. ⚫︎ (1880). JRV
Native: TBC.
Introduced: TBC.
Seasonality: Perennial with deciduous foliage, flowering summer and autumn.
Period Colours: Flowers bright yellow.SJH
USA State Symbols:
- 1895 - Nebraska: Made state flower on 4 April 1895, with 17 September declared Golden Rod Day at the state fair later that year. The legislature specifies S. serotina, now known as S. gigantea.NSHS
- 1926 - Kentucky: Previously represetented by bluegrass, and unofficially the Trumpet vine (the symbol of the state militia), the goldenrod was made an element of the state flag in 1918. It was made state flower in March 1926, and recodified in 1942 (KRS 2.090). Species not specified.
- 1927-1959 - Alabama: Previous state flower of Alabama, made so on 6 September 1927, and amended on 26 August 1959 to the Camellia (Acts 1927, No. 541, p. 627; Code 1940, T. 55, §8; Acts 1959, No. 124, p. 646).
- 1996 - Delaware: S. odora, sweet golden rod, made state herb of Delaware on 24 June 1996 (Delaware Code Title 29 § 313).
- 2003 - South Carolina: S. altissima, tall goldenrod, made state wildflower of South Carolina on 14 May 2003 (Act Number 31 of 2003).
Religious: TBC.
Cited Species:
🏶︎ Solidago canadensis L. (1753),WFO BD Canada goldenrod;
🏶︎ Solidago speciosa (Unspecified author and date - could be Nutt. or A.Gray),WFO SJH showy goldenrod;
🏶︎ Solidago virgaurea L. (1753),WFO European goldenrod (implied).
Cited Verse: